Last year my neighbor and I decided we wanted to start a vegetable garden together. I had no clue where to begin so I went to the library and researched online. I found that maybe just maybe I could do this. My first step was a plan.
Step 1 Have a plan: We decided to use to measure and plan our garden. I highly recomend this site it is well worth the money spent. We were able to make the plan before we bought our wood.
Step 2 Build the boxes: The next step was building our raised beds. We decided on 4 total beds. Each bed was 10 by 4 feet.
Step 3 Lay down cardboard: We used cardboard to kill grass and prevent weeds.
Step 4 fill your boxed: We used mushroom compost and the cheapest top soil we could find.
Here is what it looked like when we were finished.
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Amie Snyder
Mommy Planet